We strive to provide end-to-end support from conceptualization to implementation of various benefits in the form of incentive, grants and subsidies provided by the Central as well State governments.

We help you identify and secure the maximum potential incentives available to your company under any relevant government scheme. Our team works collaboratively on behalf of clients to ensure our clients have full knowledge about incentives available in specific locations for specific activities.

perspective on the process

Part 01:


Evaluating optimum location for the business which provides maximum benefits.


Evaluating optimum location for the business which provides maximum benefits.


Assistance in filing application along with preparation of relevant set of documents with the relevant authority along with the Detailed Project Report ('DPR')


Assistance in filing application along with preparation of relevant set of documents with the relevant authority along with the Detailed Project Report ('DPR')


Assistance in filing requisite application for disbursement of grants and incentives with the relevant authority along with responding to various queries


Assistance in filing requisite application for disbursement of grants and incentives with the relevant authority along with responding to various queries

Production Linked Incentive (PLI) schemes

Since March 2020, the Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi announced Production Linked Incentive schemes (PLI schemes') with an expected outlay of INR 1.97 Lakh crores across 14 key sectors during the span of next 5 ears.

The PLI schemes were launched with the intention to scale up domestic manufacturing facilities, accompanied by higher import substitution and employment generation.

1. Notified PLI schemes

Till now, the Indian Government has introduced PL schemes for 14 different sectors including bulk drugs, large scale electronics manufacturing, medical devices, electronics/technology products, pharmaceutical products, telecom / networking products, food processing, white goods, high efficiency solar PV modules, automobiles / auto components, advanced chemistry cell battery, textile products, speciality steel, drone / drone components.

2. Proposed PLI schemes

Based on the success story of the notified PLI schemes, it is expected that the Indian Government may introduce PLI schemes for new sectors which may include containers, wearables / hearables, leather / footwear, furniture, toys, pharmaceuticals and specialty chemicals.

Other Central government schemes

The Indian Government offers various incentives, grant and subsidies to stimulate the development of various sectors and activities in the country and it offer billions in incentives to corporate and public sector bodies to encourage exports, competitiveness over cheaply imported substitutes, increasing employment and encouraging the entire industry ecosystem.

State industrial policies

In addition to the incentives offered by the Indian Government, there are various investment linked incentives provided by different states under their respective industrial policies.

Our team of relevant experts provide end-to-end support for availing such fiscal / non-fiscal incentives offered by the state of Gujarat, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, amongst others. Common incentives offered by different states include cash grants (capital and revenue) and tax / property incentives, which can be offered for a range of activities including:

New investment (upgrading an existing facility or establishing a new one)

Research & Development incentives / grants



Sustainability - Energy, Environment, E-mobility